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When to Call an Electrician in Logan? 5 signs to look out for!

When to Call an Electrician?

With our curious minds, human beings undeniably possess an inherent tendency to want to fix things, but when it comes to matters regarding electrical repairs in our households or workplaces, it just would not be wise to fix the issue yourself. Most of us have very limited knowledge about the workings of electricity or the functioning of electrical wirings. Therefore, there are times when you will need to call your local and professional electrician, to ensure all electrical work is carried out safely 

We need to remember that as we are living in a technologically advanced age, the need for constant electrical power is greater than ever before. If your home/ building is slightly older, it is highly probable that your wiring is outdated and may very well need repairing by an expert electrician in Logan.

When to Call an Electrician?

Here are the top 5 signs that will tell you when you need to call a licensed electrician in Logan:

  • Incessant system failure: The wiring of old homes is not structured to support modern electrical power supply. If the system is consistently shutting down due to overload, it is of utmost importance that you call a professional electrician. Electrical system failure primarily occurs when either the circuit breaker trips or the fuse blows up. Both these factors are a clear indication that the old wiring is being overloaded.
  • Flickering or dimming of the lights: Do the lights flicker when you turn on the geyser? This is a clear sign that the wiring in your building/ home is faulty and should be checked by a licensed electrician to avert any kind of potential hazard and danger. Do not try to tinker with electrical circuits yourself as you may certainly make things worse. What you need to do is call an expert electrician and ask him to make a separate circuit for each of the appliances that draw heavy electricity.
  • Too many plugs: If your workplace or living room looks like a spider web made up of wires running all over the floor, there exists a dangerous situation. To begin – you need more outlets. According to research done by ESFI (Electrical Safety Foundation International), over 3000 residential fires are caused by incorrect use of extension cords and it is how extension cords are used that lies at the core of the Most households have a shortage of outlets, so the best solution for the safety of your family including you is to hire your local licensed electrician and install some more outlets.
  • Something burning? If there’s an incessant burning smell around your appliances as if someone has burnt rubber or plastic, you need to be extremely cautious. The smell may be coming from the actual burning of wire which may not be physically noticeable at the start. But these little factors can can slowly turn into a massive incident or electrical fire hazard.
  • Damaged wires? if you live in a very old house and haven’t had your wires rewired – now is the time to get on it! Call an electrician to complete the task before it’s too late.


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When to Call an Electrician?

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